Staying Responsive in a Reactive World
/We are surrounded by tweets, texts, posts, and news - an overload of sensory noise. How do you stay responsive rather than reactive in this world? Here are some ways!
Read MoreWe are surrounded by tweets, texts, posts, and news - an overload of sensory noise. How do you stay responsive rather than reactive in this world? Here are some ways!
Read MoreTrue self-care is so much more than a bubble bath, even when baby ducks are included! There are ways to create a life that you love and embrace - one that you don't want to escape from!
Read MoreA nineteen-year study of kindergarten students revealed the biggest factor for their future success. It may not be what you think!
Read MoreIn this excerpt from Whole Hearted Parenting's soon-to-be released e-book, Parenting Week by Week, explore how to create your own map for being the parent [spouse, friend, son, daughter, colleague, leader] that you truly want to be. Begin 2018 by charting your own whole-hearted path!
Read MoreA friend recently saw a Tweet that prompted her to ask me if some statements made about #MeToo were actually blaming. Here is my response!
Read MorePlease check inside for a holiday gift for you!
Read MoreThe holidays are right around the corner. Guide your child to shift into a season of giving and gratitude with these simple steps!
Read MoreThese four tips for having more connected communication with your teen can enhance your relationship with your child and with anyone!
Read MoreNovember is the perfect time of year to practice gratitude and to teach your children the benefits of gratitude.
Read MoreDo you remember the joy in making a new friend when you were younger? That new connection was the highlight of your day. Making friends can become a wonderful inspiration for life!
Read MoreWe have all experienced fear, even if it was simply FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Our children have fears of monsters in the closet. My daughter even said the other day that she is afraid of being a bag lady, which tells me she is learning...and will learn more...about managing her money. This post explores making friends with fear.
Read MoreCreate wonderful family rituals by bringing Halloween back to a do-it-yourself happening. Rather than commercial costumes, go green and make your own. We have lots of ideas for dressing up, decorating, and planning a party. Boo!
Read MoreA reader of the local newspaper wrote in asking about cooking holiday meals now that her daughter and her two grandchildren had "gone vegan." I thought the response was unkind, so I wrote my own! Meals are more than simply nourishing our bodies!
Read MoreHere are some ways to become calm and serene on the inside!
Read MorePema Chödrön, author of Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living, said, “When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space.” From that space, parenting takes on a new dimension – one that creates connection, authenticity, and joy.
Read MoreTransitions are happening all around us. You child may be starting school, moving up to elementary, becoming a high school student, or entering their last year of college. There may be job changes, moves across town or across the country, births, and marriages. There are ways to make these transitions sacred, celebratory, and heart warming!
Read MoreWe are living in turbulent times. Yet, there is good news. There are ways to navigate that will bring positive outcomes!
Read MoreThese ten tips are designed to make the transition from summer to school smooth. In our whole hearted approach, we view every challenge as an opportunity for growth and understanding. Shifting into the rhythms of back-to-school – where our routines change, where there are different pressures for everyone on their time and energy, and where there are new social tensions – influences everyone in your family. We hope these ten tips create more closeness and enjoyment as you enter the new school year.
Read MoreYoung people, especially teens, are sometimes told, "It doesn't matter what other people think [or say or do]" in response to something around which they feel hurt, upset, or sad. The truth is that we do care, and not caring is really not the message we want to give children and teens.
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