The Art of Forgiveness
/Forgiveness has so many liberating benefits, yet sometimes it can be so hard. What do you do when you want to forgive but feel unforgiving?
Read MoreForgiveness has so many liberating benefits, yet sometimes it can be so hard. What do you do when you want to forgive but feel unforgiving?
Read MoreSometimes we react and simply forget who we are. That usually doesn’t feel great. There are three practices that you can embrace to become more responsive and to show up as your best self.
Read MoreSpeaking the love language of someone that you love can make a tremendous difference in how loved they actually feel. Learn about love languages and how to identify them just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Read MoreAbout now you may be doubting your decisions and resolutions for making 2019 the best year ever. Remember that you choose the colors from your own palette to paint the year you desire. Here are ten ways to align with the colors you choose!
Read MoreThere can be great pressure around New Year’s Resolutions. Rest assured that you can begin anew on the first day of the year, every morning, every evening, and in every moment! You can begin again during any conflict or disagreement. “Start overs” are a terrific tool. Learn how to begin anew and learn about the amazing benefits!
Read MoreNew Year’s resolutions may be on your mind. Here are three keys to gaining the benefits without the beat up when things get off track!
Read MoreThe outer beauty of December is wonderful, from holiday decorations to a gorgeous winter landscape. You can also experience the holidays from within to gain greater serenity, peace, and enjoyment. Read on for a simple yet powerful way to begin that practice by being good to yourself.
Read MoreThere is an ingredient that is often not discussed in exploring the practice of gratitude. Discover it here!
Read MoreA conversation with a man learning to cope with the death of his wife of almost fifty years reminded me of these tools to assist with grieving and of the importance of honoring those you love.
Read MoreIn the third in our series, When Children Grow Up, you will find three suggestions for embracing the new relationship that you have with your child. It is grand!
Read MoreThis is the second in our series, When Children Grow Up. In this post, we explore the difference between letting go and giving up as well as how navigating this time is more about embracing a new way of being.
Read MoreThe impact for parents as their children grow up and leave home is profound. This is the first in a series on that impact and how to lovingly maneuver this tender time.
Read MoreAround the time that your child began talking or walking, did you notice that a key component of your vocabulary was the word "no"? “No, don’t touch that!” “No, I am on the phone!” “No! Stop grabbing things.” “No cookies before dinner!” Saying "no" gets old as you begin to feel like the barrier between your child and his desires while you repeatedly deny him what he wants. Saying "no" has some other down sides as well. Learn the advantages of "Yes" both with your children and the adults in your life!
Read MoreDevelop your skills in looking beyond someone’s behavior so that you create closer relationships, greater calm in your life, and deeper understanding.
Read MoreMistakes can be wonderful opportunities for learning. Yet, how do we shift from the view that mistakes are bad? How do we shed the shame that we’ve felt when we’ve made a mistake? Read on!
Read MoreI grew up during a time when thinking was held in the highest esteem and feelings were viewed as a little bit wacky! The benefits of feeling your feelings and of having that head-heart connection are life-enriching. Plus, it makes you even smarter!
Read MoreTelling stories about your family can increase resilience and self-esteem. It can create a connection with something larger than ourselves. Read more about sharing your family lore!
Read MoreThe practice of holding space for someone can be the greatest gift, for them and for you. Learn more!
Read MoreComposure at work and at home can change everything. Here are a few keys to maintaining and regaining your composure!
Read MoreParenting teens can be an immense challenge. I believe it is the most challenging time parents experience. Here are three suggestions to assist you in enjoying the teen years while remaining their constant in their internally and externally changing world.
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